Thursday, August 27, 2009

I freakin wonder why...

      Look at the time, 6.19 pm and I just took my bath extremely earlier than usual because of the rain, yup, i got poured. Today went as the usual Thursday that I had before. Usually the great thing about Thursdays is that it indicates that the next day, which is Friday, is the last day of class for that week and on Thursdays we have QSS subject, activies, events, games and contest going on for the whole bunch. However, today went .. urm.... I'd rather not start commenting on the event. I'd rather not. Hehe.. superfreaking sensitive issue... hehe

    So, there I was, sitting, not really interested at first, something turned my 'interested' mode off, but when I saw the clip about the END OF DAYS... woahh.... It really caught my attention! As I sat there, watching in awe and making remarks, even pondering if I were those people in that clip, I blurted out a word 'Astaga' and this person looked behind and made this cynical and absolutely sarcastic look at me! and all I did was say 'astaga'! (For those who do not understand, the meaning of the word is.. urm.. well, it couldnt be define exactly what the meaning is, sometimes it's an expression people in Sabah use, I refuse to believe that it is the short form of how muslim say "O my God".. takkan lah ada short2 form pulak kan?) So as I was saying, why on earth does she have to give me that kind of look, as if I dont know anything about the world? Or as if what I said was superfreaking sinful? EEEeeeee...!!!!!

   However, I refuse to let it 'eat' me... but the next time another person or that same person does that to me again, I'm gonna pop the question 'What the hell is wrong with me saying 'Astaga'???' But that was it... the end of the evening..

  A call suddenly came, and when I looked at the caller ID, I smiled. wink wink


f-fariza said...

momo call kah?? cewahh.. pewittt

Teacher Ana said...

well,dat girl mb need sumKIND of BRAINFORMATTINg.. 1Malaysia laaa..