Sunday, October 4, 2009


Dear bloggers, it’s 1.32am and I am still awake. I can’t sleep and I don’t wonder why. Lately, I’ve been staying up quite late, doing the usual, wasting time, these eyes are just not sleepy yet. Anyway, it’s been quite a while since my last entry, I think the last one was right before Raya break. It funny how I have all the time in the world to write during Raya but I didn’t, nothing interesting going on during that time, I just had fun with my beloved friends here (albert, wote, milut, cliff) and I got to know a few more too (yazid, Frid, wan) It was fun, I really relaxed myself and it was not till the last few days before I went back to Perak that I started doing my assignments. Geez, the nightmare of it…I stayed up the whole night till freaking morning and slept for a few hours, rushed to the commuter station to catch the early train to Tg. Malim with my housemates coz I missed the bus (Damn!). Exhausted when I got here and then rally the whole night with Nel to finish up the work. The result was pathetic. The next day, (after being late to arrive in class and missing about 12 out of 20 questions of the Slide Show Quiz that I was suppose to take) I compared my work with my other course mates, WOAH! The shock I was in was dreadful! Mine was terrible and I felt stupid when I made comparisons. However, the damage was done, I have no one else to blame but myself. (Shoot Me! Bang! Bang!)

After the nightmare I had with my assignments, things started to slow down, I still hate myself for wasting my freaking time on movie rally during the holidays. Aiming for final, IF it is possible.

Relationships always do have their ups and downs. Mine is always rocky. Maybe it’s about the distance and the past unfortunate and hurtful events that took place in my love life made me the way I am towards the relationship now. He has to bear it all. I gave him a hard time to maintain my horrifying anger management. So far, he is still surviving. I just hate it when he keeps doing the same f***ing (mind my language) mistakes. The little ones like forgetting to tell me when he is going out and so on. It annoys me because I do not do that kind of mistakes many times because I know he hates it, it’s not fair to me and I made this point clear but it is still super freaking happens from time to time to the extend that I eventually asked him why does he always repeat the same mistakes! Urghh. Men are like that, I suppose, they put themselves before others and that’s why they don’t care about making changes but WE have to make changes to suit them! And still, above all this, men and women still do fall for LOVE the DEVIL, hehe.. don’t we ?

Momo is out of sight (of course, I never met him hehe), out of touch, not completely out of mind but fading. Another good example of putting HIMSELF before others and other things around him just to get on with what he wants. I can’t survive with a friend like that! Stanley, a stranger who recently started calling, suddenly text me today saying that I am embarrassed of having him as a friend, telling me that he is not worthy enough for me, I have better background than him, which was a shocker to me. I felt sad that he thought I felt that way about him. I don’t know what to say to him, but I am planning to send him an e-mail, to give a nice closure, I feel bad about it. Was it something I said, something I did? I wonder.

Now, I think I will try to get some sleep. Nel and Teja is already drifting in Dreamland, Effa is watching something.. ME, signing off..

Good Night