Monday, June 28, 2010

So far...

Dear bloggers,

I refuse to say that my LIFE-RADAR is on plateau. It goes against what I believe in, 'Live Life to the fullest' although sometimes, it feels like it is on flat line with the same things happening day by day, night by night...I mean 'SOMETIMES", not ALL the time... ^_^ life shouldn't be too rigid, right? hehe

First and foremost, as an introduction to this update, I would like to proudly announce that I have found a new interest in life... (LOL) FISHING... Now, as boring as it may sound to you, this is a good practice of patience for me...the anxiety in anticipating a catch! WOah! When you have finally caught one, a big one! That's the reward. This newly-discovered hobby of mine, somehow I find it very relaxing although it can stretch you out to exhaustion and at times, you may go home empty handed but I never bothered. It's a blessing if you can catch any, if you didn't then it's not yours to have...Maybe somewhere, someone out there earns those underwater creatures more than you and I learned to accept that. Sitting there from when I see the sun going down til it rises and lights up the horizon, I had time to think about myself, my life, past-present-future.

I flashed back to a few weeks ago, when I ended my practical term in Seremban. Those faces, I will never forget. Somehow, I am thankful for the people who invented Facebook ( I am sure it was for good purposes although some people violated it, in some ways) because I can always reconnect with them, my children in SMK Methodist ACS, Seremban. Not all of them, but some of them is wonderful enough for me. They still make me laugh madly even through Facebook LOL~ and friends in battle, Marlena and Nelisa, we had fun, didn't we...? I miss you guys...

I remembered when Amy came back just for 3 days. Seeing Amy and Micah, I felt so happy because of the period of time when I was away and they were away too, feeling reunited and watching Micah, all grown up made me realized how time goes by so quickly ... sweet Micah, you are one lucky fella to have lotsa mommies who cares about you, baby...

Love. (PAUSE) RELATIONSHIP.. (EVEN LONGER Pause) I can't seem to get it. I am 25 and I still don't get it. What is it? Why do I even care so much about it? It affects me so much but in all the happy stories I heard, only few survived it, the rest, destroyed. I see it everywhere. I am happy where I am now, that is, FOR NOW. Understanding reached through deep conversations and discussions but you see, even understanding needs maintaining and that's not easy... So far, I am content. The future, I can never predict nor will I ever see how it MAY end up, but keep faith close enough, maybe we'll see it through...^MajE^

Friendship has its own battle. Believe me, I have fought with it or shall I say, WE have fought with its battle together. More than 10 years of being sisters, I can never say "I HATE YOU" nor can I actually mean it. I love my sisters too much and I have shared too much in this 13 years of being together. We grew up. Not to say, that it is a reason, to explain why we drifted apart before this, but it has its role there somewhere in the 'drifting-apart'. We outlived childhood, and now we are mature women with lots of burden on our shoulders. Sisters, I am so happy to be re-united the other day and to have spent hours and hours of non-stop talking from one subject to another, til twilight time and someone's mom was waiting outside the house for her daughter to come home... hahaha... I am glad we had that, frankly speaking, that was the part which I missed the most... Our lovely, long talks accompanied by burning YOU-KNOW-WHAT.(cannot be stated, teachers' honor) LOL~

Living in this world, with my God-given family is one thing that I am thankful for. I am happy for my parents, they eventually found their heaven in each others arms in their golden years after fighting for it in the beginning of their marriage. I am also proud of my brothers and sister. My eldest finally started school again, going after his Diploma Cert to better his life and children despite of some Bi*&^ who keeps on trying to ruin his life. My sister, my only sister in this planet, who understands my past and supports my future, I love you, hehe and I am one of those who are proud of your achievements sista! May we strive even further after this...hehe..and stalky brother,who is also furthering his studies... I am proud of each and every one of u, no matter what happens, I got your backs, guys! I may not be capable of solving every problems, but I'll listen, I'll always listen.

GOD. Touch me. No matter in what way, I believe we are all united and praying to HIM. I want to depend on You again.

For now, I guess, I'm done. ^_^

Live and Love