Friday, August 28, 2009


Hey bloggers.. I missed yesterday blog time coz of the poor signal. Yesterday was a Friday. We got to class at about 8.20 and went back at 8.50am hahaha.. What a waste of make-up, water which we took the morning bath with and electricity to iron the baju kurung ehehehe. Despite for it being the last day of the weekDAYS, I felt really bored when afternoon arrived. After the beauty nap that I took (hehe), I wasted most of my time to Google the net and so on.

The evening was unusually windy; I guess it was a sign it was going to POUR night time (it did!). When I looked over my housemates@roomates, both of them were soundly asleep, Nel was not feeling well and effa was huggin' wowow, guess she was just tired, Teja was somewhere outside, doing her own stuff. There I was, laying flat on my bed, next to the open window with just the curtain covering it. Earphones stucked to my ears with all the best hits from the past and suddenly the wind came gushing in, blowing nice cool breeze to my face and I saw the most spectacular view..I saw the clouds, beautifully arranged by the wind, and the ray of sun behind it giving it a silver glow, I snapped a few pictures of it, but the movements of the cloud...slow and steady moving across the sky and forming a new formation every second really makes my mind think, how wonderfully God's creation fit nicely to our surroundings.

I felt... relaxed, relief and also sad, for the times that I shed painful tears to cry over matters of life which hurt me in the past and I forgot to see all this, the things around me, other things which would make me think of HOPE. In the past, I go through life's sucky moments by booze, tobacco, tattoos and noise, lots of em. I felt sad because I grew to know that those were the things that would take the pain away (prayed to God too but I guess I didn’t surrender everything, my bad) ...I overlooked at other things which were there all along. Teary at first, but feeling contented I forgive myself for everything that I have done. Yes, I am happy, wacko and I laugh like there's no tomorrow ~ but sometimes I think to smile is easier than telling people what is actually hurting you : ) it's a great cover-up for a messed up mind ~

Clouds... at first it was a dark clouds surrounding the sun and then there was light. I guess life is like that, sometimes you are living in JOY and sometimes you just have to go through the PAIN as well, it's just that the way of handling it differs from one being to another. I spent a few hours just watching them, thinking how fast life is passing me by.... and all the bumpy roads in life that was delaying the journey and to mourn over it would be wasting more time AND they will never stop coming! Problems, hurts and turmoil will keep on coming and coming and coming causing crisis. Moreover, Psycho sociologically speaking (hehehe from psychology class), a human being will only cross to another level in their life if the crisis on the current stage is settled. So, there you have it, factual statements that life is just full of problems hehe..

Thinking about the clouds yesterday, and the pondering thoughts that I had, I pray to God that I will be better in terms of overcoming situations and in the future, to remember that there is more to life than shit.. : ) THERE IS HOPE.

Here are a few shots of it. It's not that good of a quality picture, but be content that’s the best I can do with my cheap cell phone. Hehe

Clouds, thank you.

1 comment:

f-fariza said...

cantiknya itu "kelaut" sther...